Monday 15 September 2014

Maple Soy Chicken Thighs

Tonight’s dinner is a total write off!  Recipe asked to boil/cook down marinade to ¼ cup small and in doing so; at some point, within seconds,  smoke alarm went off and mixture started to burn and became like molten lava which turned to rock when it cooled!  Burnt my finger and now typing with one hand.  Trusting God will be better in the morning!  Meanwhile, had to throw out 2 spoons and hubby spent a good 20 mins getting pot cleaned! 

But I digress, chicken thighs were good, as per hubby.  But too much work!  Couscous concoction did nothing for me either! 

Disappointed as I have wanted to try this dish since I bought magazine.  Oh well, that’s the joy of cooking; finding out what works for you and what doesn’t! 

Courtesy of Cooking Light Magazine Aug 2012
Found link online

If I were to to this all over again;
skip boiling marinade; as chicken thighs blackened on their own in the existing marinade when placed in oven

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