Friday 15 August 2014

Mussels cooked in Marinara Sauce AND Saganaki (Geek 'Opa" Cheese)

Its my birthday and what do I really want?  I want to cook and eat a meal on a hot summer day in back garden in ode to our trip to Greece.  Weather did not cooperate; although I did have my hopes up as sun did come out briefly…

Planned menu;
  • Mussels cooked in wine & marinara sauce
  • Saganaki (Greek 'Opa' Cheese)
  • Roasted garlic
  • Mini greek lamb meatloaves & cucumber sauce
  • Greek Salad (cucumber, tomato & feta cheese salad)

Mussels cooked in Marinara Sauce

I have not made mussels in ever so long!  We love have always loved this dish!  Really a meal on its own! 

2 lbs of fresh mussels
clean & check and discard any open mussels (they should all be closed)

meanwhile bring marinara sauce to a boil (I guesstimate; if using commercial marinara may have to water down, but approx. ½ inch of bottom of pan/maybe 1 cup)

*I use a spaghetti pot, sauce in the bottom & mussels in the strainer section allowing them to steam)
add red wine.. as much as you like; mmm I used maybe a glass

steam until shells are open (not more than 4-5 mins)

Discard any closed mussels

Place mussels in serving dish and pour maranaa sauce over same.  Serve immediately.  

Accompany with toasted loaf of crusty bread

Saganaki – Greek “Opa” Cheese
First time I ever tried Saganaki was in Greece.  This dish is totally reminiscent of that moment!  Not fried in grease; nor lit on fire with everyone screaming OPA.  That is now the old fashioned version, although a good friend’s mum says they are lazy; I don’t think so.  This is lighter as it is not fried in grease nor any alcohol. 

This dish will always be special to me as the first time I ever made this, was with good friends we met while on holiday in Greece.  Our dear friend cried as it totally reminded her of her dad!  I will always and forever think of them with love whenever I make dish. 
2 c water
½ c all purpose flour
2 eggs
1 lb block of Kefalotyri (or other greek cheese)
¼ c lemon juice
3 T olive oil
1 t ground black pepper
chopped fresh herbs such as parsley, mint, basil, dillweed)

Put water in a shallow bowl.  Put flour on a plate.  Beat eggs in a small bowl.  Cut cheese into 4 one inch thick slabs.  Dip each slab into water, then roll in the flour to dust all sides and dip into beaten eggs to coat letting excess drip off.  Transfer to a plate.
Heat large frying pan on medium heat for 3 minutes.  Add coated cheese and cook for 2-3 minutes until bottom is crusted.  Turn and cook other side for 2-3 minutes, until crusted and cheese has softened. 
Meanwhile, whisk lemon juice, oil and pepper in a small bowl until emulsified.
When cheese is cooked, drizzle the lemon-oil emulsion into the pan, to sizzle around the cheese and be absorbed. 
Place cheese on plates and sprinkle with fresh herbs.  Serve immediately.
Serves 4.

Courtesy of: New Greek Cuisine.  Fresh and modern recipes from Aristedes’ kitchen.

So I have to admit; that once we ate this, we were filled to overflowing... we cannot eat anymore!

Because it was cooked, we did find room for the Roasted Garlic

1 head of garlic
keep the skin on but cut 1/4 inch of top off
place in cooking pan and drizzle in oil
bake in preheated oven at 250 degrees for 15 mins or util soft.  Serve with crusty bread

At this point we are totally full to overfilling; rest of the menu can wait until another day; and did I mention that hubby bought a b-day cake?  But neither of us is even tempted we are so full!

God is good! I have had more than my fill!  Both in food and in love; from both friends & family.   I have been on a natural high all day!  

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