Wednesday 2 August 2017

Smoked Trout Salad with Horseradish dressing

Enjoying our bounty from Manitoulin Island - Smoked Trout - which we adore!  Want to enjoy/savour every bite so did not want to mask the taste and use as a dip or covered in mayo on a sandwich.  Decided to make a salad; googled and came up with this...

3 T of sour cream
3 t of olive oil
4 t horseradish
4 t of chopped fresh dill
1.5 t white wine vinegar

Mix together in a small bowl.

4 c arugula
1 fennel bulb thinly sliced and chopped
1/2 large red onion, thinly sliced
1 1/3 cup of smoked trout, broken with your fingers

Place arugula, fennel and red onion in a bowl.  Add 3 t oil oil and 1 t white wine vinegar.  Toss.

Divide salad ingredients between 2 plates.
Top with smoked fish.
Drizzle horseradish dressing over and serve.

2 servings; approx. 260 calories

Found dish so refreshing and filling!  Next time may try with watercress & pea shoots and serve as a starter vs a main course entrĂ©e. 

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