Wednesday 20 July 2016

Grilled Lemon Chicken AND Green Beans with Feta & Mint

Good summertime fare!  Pleasantly surprised; chicken was infused with lemon even though marinade time was only 30 mins.  Green beans with feta & mint; how those two ingredients go hand in hand.  This dish reminds of my favourite “greek salad” recipe but without the sugar, an added plus!

Grilled Lemon Chicken
1 garlic clover, peeled
½ t salt
2 t grated lemon zest
3 T lemon juice
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1 t dried oregano
¼ t pepper
4 (5oz) skinless, boneless chicken breast

With side of large knife, mash garlic with salt until it forms a paste (Note, I started this step but reached for the garlic paste purchased from Gourmet Garden)

To make marinade, combine lemon zest and juice, oil, garlic paste, oregano and pepper and pour into plastic freezer bag.  Insert chicken turning to coat all sides.  (I scored chicken also) Refrigerate for 30 mins or up to overnight.

Remove chicken and grill on hot bbq until cooked through. 

4 servings/161 cal / 4g total fat/ 1g sat fat/ 0g trans fat/ 78 mg chol/ 142 mg sod/ 1g total carb/ 0g total sugar/ 0g fib/ 12g prot/ 18 mg calc.

Green Beans with feta & mint
1 lb green beans, trimmed
2 t grated lime zest
2 T lime juice
1 T olive oil
½ t salt
pinch of pepper
4 plum tomatoes or 1 large steak tomato, chopped
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
½ large seedless English cucumber, halved & thinly sliced
2 T chopped fresh mint
½ c crumbled feta cheese

Bring a large pot of water to boil; add beans and cook just until bright green and tender; about 5 mins.  Drain beans, cool under cold running water and drain again.

Whisk together the lime zest and juice, oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl.  In a large bowl, add beans, tomatoes, onion, cucumber and mint. Add dressing and toss to coat. Sprinkle with feta cheese.

Per 1 cup serving:  89 cal/ 5g total fat/ 2g sat fat/ 0g trans fat/ 11 mg chol/ 343mg sod/ 9g carb/ 3g fib/ 4g prot/ 99mg calc.

Both recipes courtesy of: Weight Watchers cookbook

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