Wednesday 22 October 2014

Ginger Chicken with Snow Pea Salad - SB Phase 1

Chicken was nice and easy enough to make. A nice change from the teriyaki which we love but I would scrap the snow pea salad. 

Combine 2 t of canola oil, 1 T of soy sauce and 1 T minced ginger in a bowl.  Add 1 lb piece of boneless skinless chicken and toss to coat.  

Heat 1 T canola oil in large skillet over med high heat.  Add chicken & cook for approx. 5 mins each side covered. Chicken was quite thick so at that point, I added a little bit of water to the pan and continued cooking on med heat until chicken was no longer pink.  Remove from heat and slice.  Chicken was done to perfection! Poured gravy/juices over chicken once plated.  

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