Sunday 1 October 2017

Grilled Tuna over argula with Lemon Vinaigrette

Perfect week night summer evening dish!  Especially when working in the extreme hot temperatures we have been experiencing of late.   So refreshing; flavours totally complimented the fish.  Hubby just lathered it up.  Used frozen tuna; so must remember to thaw in fridge night before.

2 - 5 oz frozen tuna
1 t extra virgin olive oil
1 t fresh lemon juice
2 c baby argula
1 t capers
salt & pepper to taste

Season tuna with salt & pepper
Place 1 cup of arugula on each dinner plate (2)
Combine oil & lemon juice, salt and pepper; set aside

Heat grill or grill pan to high heat; spray with cooking oil and then place tuna on grill.
cook for 1 minute; turn over and cook for additional 1-2 mins (depending on thickness of tuna);
remove from heat.

slice tuna diagonally and place on top of arugula
top with lemon vinaigrette and enjoy immediately.

Serves 2 / 300 calories per serving!

Courtesy of:

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