Sunday 22 July 2018

Goat Cheese & Zucchini Tart

Heavenly! We are in the midst of a heat wave; record high temps; so who wants to spend time slaving over a hot stove?   Looks like a lot of work but really only 10 mins to prepare.

1 large or 2 small zucchinis (depending on size)
olive oil
1 package of puffed pastry, thawed
1/2 c goat cheese, crumbled
2 t parmesan cheese
fresh thyme

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Slice zucchini into thin rounds
Saute slices (in batches) in 1 T of olive oil until golden brown on each side
set aside.

Roll puffed pastry and place in round 9 in tin coated with cooking spray
trim excess pastry off sides
spread goat cheese over bottom of tart
cover with zucchini slices
sprinkle with parmesan cheese
bake for 20 mins or until pastry brown and puffed
check mid way thru
do not be alarmed if puffs up in middle - simply slit with a knife and place back in oven

to serve:  garnish with fresh thyme

Oh so good!  served with various cold salads because really, our summers are so short so who wants to eat inside!

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